PW Essig Named a GeoPro Dealer for Water Furnace GeoThermal Systems!

furnace maintenance

Are you thinking about installing a Water Furnace GeoThermal System in your property? Then you’ve come to the best place, since we’re proud to announce that PW Essig was recently named a GeoPro Dealer for Water Furnace GeoThermal Systems!

What Is a GeoPro Dealer?

Being designated a GeoPro Dealer isn’t something that just any plumbing company can attain. Far from it: a dealer has to be dedicated to maintaining the highest levels of commercial and residential customer satisfaction. In addition, he has to commit to providing the best employee training and education, as well as the highest performance ratings for his personnel. The following four elements contribute to earning the GeoPro Dealer classification:

high customer satisfaction ratings, based on surveys about the dealer and the equipment
proven experience of at least five years of installing Water Furnace GeoThermal Systems
continued Water Furnace training of at least on training per 24 months, as well as being IGSHPA certified
high sales volumes

When you see a GeoPro Dealer designation on a company’s website, you know that you’re getting the very best service for your Water Furnace GeoThermal System installation.

What a GeoThermal System Can Do for You

If you’re looking for an environmentally friendly, cost-effective way of heating and cooling your home or business property, a GeoThermal system is an interesting option. As the name indicates, this method of heating and cooling relies on energy pulled from the earth or the air to heat or cool your property. Here’s how it works:

A few feet under the earth’s surface, the soil stays at a constant temperature of between 50 and 60˚ Fahrenheit all year round. By installing a loop of pipes under the ground and running fluid through the pipes, the system draws the desired heating energy from the earth in the winter or pulls the heat outside in the summer.

Since this type of system is so environmentally friendly, there are a number of rebates and tax incentives you might qualify for, which makes it financially even more appealing!

To find out more about the advantages of a GeoThermal system from a GeoPro, contact Essig today!

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