How Choose an Air Conditioning Contractor in Reading

Like it or not, the hazy heat and humidity of summer is fast approaching. So now is the perfect time to prepare for that hot weather by having your air conditioning system professionally serviced. But how do you know which HVAC service company to choose? There are a lot of disreputable outfits on the internet these days eager to charge you for shoddy or incomplete work. Believe it not, some have been caught removing important components or allowing coolant to leak out, so the air conditioner appears to be in disrepair, when in truth it is not. And that’s when they make their “catch,” unjustly convincing consumers to pay for needless repairs or replacements. Another warning sign you’ve hired a less than honest company is when repair estimates are quickly given without the technician taking into consideration the size of your home or its current air conditioning system.
In order to avoid being scammed this air conditioning season, we strongly recommend keeping the following things in mind before making a hire:

If you receive an offer that seems too good to be true, then it warrants further investigation. Advertisements offering unbelievable bargains or “free” services are a sure sign to take caution.
Before hiring a service, check to see if your air conditioning system is currently under manufacturers’ warranty. Some scammers will attempt to take advantage by charging you for replacement parts that are still covered.
Know your air conditioning system’s maintenance history. Having the facts on past repairs and replacements can give you the upper hand when dealing with a scammer.
Be skeptical of companies offering free estimates without first inspecting your system. It is not possible to provide a professional work estimate without examining your home’s entire system in person.
Never accept a verbal estimate. Always request one in writing.
Are their company vehicles properly logoed and employees professionally uniformed? Make sure the cleaning company is reputably recognized.
Does the company have a specialized website? In today’s tech-savvy world, any respectable business should bear a quality website.
Is the company’s address legitimate? Check out GoogleEarth to confirm a company’s site is an established location and not just a vacant lot.

Although these tips are valuable when hiring any type of company of the internet, you could save yourself a lot of work this coming air conditioning season by simply giving us a call first. At Essig, we are committed to our role as one of the “good guys” and we know you will be more than satisfied with our work.

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